Now! That’s What I Call Folkroom 34
Folkroom is proud to announce what is, quite possibly, the stupidest idea we’ve yet had. On September 24th we will be putting on a very special gig, Now! That’s What I Call Folkroom 34, in which our artists will strive to cover as many songs from the classic album ‘Now! That’s What I Call Music 34’ as we can fit into one night. If it helps, we’re not sure why we’re doing this either (but you can get your tickets here all the same!).
But what fun will be had! Released 20 years ago, at the height of Britpop (and the cusp of the Girl Power takeover!), Now 34 featured all the very best hallmarks of the 1990s. Expect everything from the debut Spice Girls single to Underworld’s iconic ‘Born Slippy’. Don’t be surprised if Peter Andre’s most well-known song turns up, or we escape into a 2Pac inspired reverie. It’s fair to say this is going to be unlike any folk gig you’ve ever been to before.
Already lined-up are performances from Michael Garrett & Chums, Ten Tonne Heart, Thickets, Lucas & King, Kirsty Merryn and Louis Brennan – and there are more in the pipeline! The night will also come with a range of 90s-themed activities, such as ignorantly arguing that Oasis are better than Blur, and being invigorated and then immediately unsure about Labour’s leadership prospects! We’re nothing if not fully immersive.
Tickets are onsale now for a measly £6, with all money going to the musicians who are so willingly destroying their street cred in the name of Folkroom’s silly whims. Tickets are extremely limited though, so we recommend you get them soon!