Anthologies for Charity

School In A Bag

Very shortly, Folkroom will be announcing our newest Anthology LP! With a new album on the way, we’re revisiting the first two Anthology records – and now is a better time than ever. We’re putting both albums up for sale at £5 each, with all the proceeds being donated directly to one of our favourite charities.

We’ve been working with the Piers Simon Appeal and their School In A Bag campaign for two years now. The charity, which this year marks its tenth anniversary, does wonderful work sending school supplies to impoverished and needy children around the world. The idea is simple: a child who is poor, orphaned, vunerable or disaster-affected has no less right to an education than any other. Have a look at their website, and explore the wonderful work that the Piers Simon Appeal has been doing over the last decade.

If you want to make a contribution to their School In A Bag program, you can now consider Folkroom’s Bandcamp page as an outlet to do so. Go and check out the Guardian-approved Anthology One and its excellent follow-up Anthology Two – you can download them for only £5 each (or, if you’re feeling really generous you can opt to pay more, knowing that all of your money will be going to a worthy cause!) Here’s a great chance to get your hands on some fantastic tracks from the likes of Sophie Jamieson, Worry Dolls, Lucy Cait and our very own Josienne Clarke and Ben Walker in the name of charity.

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